Thursday, March 26, 2009

Animal sex! recently posted an article about whether non-humans find sex pleasurable. I find it interesting/funny that they use the term "hook-up" more than once to describe mating. I personally can't see why animals would not get pleasure from sex, and that's basically what the scientists in the article say, too.

Here's my question: why is it big news that other animals "likely have orgasms"? Are they distinguishing between orgasm and ejaculation? (Orgasm involves pleasurable feelings, but ejaculation is just a bodily function?) Or maybe they're saying that females in other species have orgasms! Now THAT would be something to blog about. (Ooh, wouldn't that be a great song parody? "Let's Give 'Em Something to Blog About")

Pop art at its best!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Excuse me, I do believe you have my hat.

This sounds like so much fun...
The Hat Game is a modern version of the children's game tag, only with a bowler hat. The game was created by Simon Games and is currently being played at the South by South West Interactive Festival in Austin.

The game revolves around a GPS-equipped bowler hat which people can follow in real-time on a Google Map. If by using the map you can track down the hat wearer you need to say to them 'Excuse me, I do believe you have my hat!'. They then need to pass the hat onto you.

The person who wears the hat the longest each day wins a prize. Of these, the one who has it the longest over the weekend of SXSW Interactive wins the big prize. [googlemapsmania]
Awesome. You can find the game at The Umbrella Group.

Bizarre & Tragic

How sad... Natasha Richardson has died. Apparently, she fell while taking a skiing lesson on a beginners' slope. She bumped her head, thought she was fine, but then there was some brain swelling... and now she's gone.
I can't fathom how shocked her family must be. She probably laughed about falling on the beginners' slope... Just reminds you that seemingly insignificant injuries can kill people. One of my mom's dearest friends and mentors from medical school recently died because a blister on his foot got infected. A blister! And then he got MRSA (Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus), and it killed him.

I don't know what lesson there is in all of this. I could advise my friends and family to take care of themselves, but really, these things happen. I guess it's one more reminder to live while you're alive.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Pulaski Squared

For you non-Chicagoans (and non-Polish people), yesterday was Casimir Pulaski Day. What, you might ask, is Casimir Pulaski Day?

I have two answers for you. It is:
  1. A song by Sufjan Stevens from the album Illinois.
  2. A holiday celebrating Casimir Pulaski, a Polish immigrant who helped the Americans defeat the British during the Revolutionary War.

Chicago has the largest Polish population outside of Poland, so public schools were off yesterday. Hurray, Poland!

ALSO, today is Square Root Day! Hurray, math nerds!

New Title!

I dunno... I just like it. Less creepy than the previous title, but only slightly so. Just as it should be.