Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Hate to do the whole "don't post forever and then only post when you're upset about something" thing, but here goes...

I just had a really unpleasant guy-hitting-on-me experience. I was alone with a man in the elevator of my apartment building, and he apparently took such a liking to me that he felt compelled to get off at my floor, then hug me and kiss me on the cheek (it seemed like he was going to try to kiss me on the mouth). He kept assuring me, "I'm an attorney," as though that made it all OK. Before I got on the elevator, I was feeling all happy and proud that I had just voted, and when I got back to my apartment, I felt like crying.

Why, WHY did I smile during that whole interaction, even though I was intensely uncomfortable? I didn't want to hurt his feelings. Why should I care, though? He was of a different race, and I didn't want to seem racist. But it wasn't about his race at all! It is always nice to be told I'm beautiful, but the advances were still very much unwanted, so WHY WAS I SMILING?

I'm mad at the guy, sure, but I'm more mad at myself right now. Stupid social conditioning.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Hodge Podge

A random assortment of links and thoughts...

  • Uganda: Human rights FAIL. I don't understand how such a law can be passed in 2009.

  • DC: Civil rights WIN!

  • How can you have sex so noisy that it is legally classified as anti-social behavior?! No, seriously, how? I want tips. Also, I find it odd that only the woman is being sentenced, when the neighbors comments refer to both of them.

Items found on my last-minute holiday shopping internet search:

Thursday, December 10, 2009


I was looking at Regretsy, like I do, when I came upon this Etsy shop. The first product I saw was... well, not pretty. It only got worse from there. My main thought about these items was, "This baby/parrot/mermaid looks...weird." I then noticed that many of the products said "OOAK" before the title or somewhere in the description and thought, "Ohhh, these are all sculptures of creatures with a rare genetic disorder called OOAK. An eye disorder. Or something. Alright, that's a little weird, but I respect this woman's quest to publicize and/or normalize this disease through art. That's actually kind of sweet."

And then I Googled "OOAK." It stands for "One Of A Kind."

Turns out this woman is just a terrible sculptor.*

On a related note: what the EFF is this (NSFW)???

*NOTE: She is a much better sculptor than I could ever be. Also, she is working with clay, which I imagine is hard to smooth into adorable wrinkly baby faces. But still. STILL! And what's with the hybrids?! They're like PSAs against genetic splicing. Sorry. Sorry. I didn't mean that. (I am a terrible human being.)

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Animal sex!

MSNBC.com recently posted an article about whether non-humans find sex pleasurable. I find it interesting/funny that they use the term "hook-up" more than once to describe mating. I personally can't see why animals would not get pleasure from sex, and that's basically what the scientists in the article say, too.

Here's my question: why is it big news that other animals "likely have orgasms"? Are they distinguishing between orgasm and ejaculation? (Orgasm involves pleasurable feelings, but ejaculation is just a bodily function?) Or maybe they're saying that females in other species have orgasms! Now THAT would be something to blog about. (Ooh, wouldn't that be a great song parody? "Let's Give 'Em Something to Blog About")

Pop art at its best!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Excuse me, I do believe you have my hat.

This sounds like so much fun...
The Hat Game is a modern version of the children's game tag, only with a bowler hat. The game was created by Simon Games and is currently being played at the South by South West Interactive Festival in Austin.

The game revolves around a GPS-equipped bowler hat which people can follow in real-time on a Google Map. If by using the map you can track down the hat wearer you need to say to them 'Excuse me, I do believe you have my hat!'. They then need to pass the hat onto you.

The person who wears the hat the longest each day wins a prize. Of these, the one who has it the longest over the weekend of SXSW Interactive wins the big prize. [googlemapsmania]
Awesome. You can find the game at The Umbrella Group.